Other Electronics Links
ElectronicsZone | http://www.electronic-circuits-diagrams.com Lots of free electronic circuits & tutorials |
interfacebus.com | http://www.interfacebus.com/ |
Tomi Engdahl's Electronics Page | http://www.epanorama.net/ |
WE-MAN | http://margo.student.utwente.nl/el/ |
News groups on electronics
Basics | news:sci.electronics.basics Got any questions on the basics of electronics? First check out my electronics course (or one of the other ones). |
Designs | news:sci.electronics.design Here you may find the schematic you were looking for. If not, you can post a message to all the readers if they have something. |
General | news:be.science.electronics Belgian group on electronics in general. |
Hobby electronics | news:nl.hobby.elektronica Dutch group on hobby electronics. Also contains repair tips. |
Repair | news:sci.electronics.repair If you can't find the solution on a repair job on one of my repair guide links, you may ask it here. |
Zelfbouw | news:alt.nl.electronica.zelfbouw Dutch group on do-it-yourself electronics. |