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Welcome to

The information site for your electronics hobby.

Latest update: 29 December 2021.

Are you a beginner? Then you might be interested in taking an electronics course!
Once you know the priciples, you may start desiging your own circuits. Before putting the plug in, it might be a good idea to test it first with one of the computer simulation programs.
Once people know you're interested in electronics, they'll ask you to repair things. It starts with a bread toaster (it has a power cord, so it contains electronics - right?) and ends up with a 100Hz digital wide screen TV set. Whatever it is, is a good place to start: it contains many links to repair sites, and the datasheets of ICs and transistors are just a few clicks away.

Schematics I designed myself are now available on their own page: the Electronics Projects page. Each projects comes with a PCB layout for easy building.

Want to know where to buy your components? Then the Electronics Shops List may be a good starting point.

The site now has a new look. Hope you like it!

Needsless to say, although originally designed for the hobbyist, this site is also a great resource for professionals.

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